Friday, October 10, 2008

Dancing with Bears

In my next life I wanna be a female bear.

- If you're a bear, you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that.

- Before you hibernate you're supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could do that.

- If you're a bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you're sleeping and wake to partially grown, cut cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that.

- If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them, too. I could deal with that.

- If you're a bear, your mate "expects" you to wake up growling. He "expects" that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat.

Yup! I wanna be a bear.

Slideshow of a Wildlife Tour at Bute Inlet, BC.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Peter's Birthday ... again...

IMG_5754 copy (Small)

Slender at first, they quickly gather force

Growing in richness as they run their course;

Once started, they do not turn back again,

Rivers, and years,

and friendships with good men.

(Sanskrit Poem)

Monday, May 12, 2008

I love Sidney, BC

It's so nice to be back home. Yes, Sidney is my home now. I love this place, I love the people here and I love the nature here. This is the best place on Earth.

CIMG0628 (Medium)

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Nick Galichenko is Retiring!


School's out! Forever! The End of an Era

Saturday, May 03, 2008

SLIDESHOW is here. :-)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hummy and Snow

Hummy and Snow, originally uploaded by Instant Moments.

On April 19th we had wind and snow. This guy was hiding on our balcony. You can see the snow on the leaves.